Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction
This document explains how we, the Community Foundation for Surrey, use data about living individuals.

The Community Foundation is a registered charity, number 1111600, and a registered company, number 5442921.

The registered office is Suite 3, First Floor, Cleary Court, 169 Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HJ.

2. Why do we need your information?
We use personal data to enable local giving and to make grants to meet local needs.

3. Whose data do we collect?
We hold data on those who have given financial or other support to the Community Foundation, those who might do, and those who apply to the Community Foundation for grants, whether on behalf of an organisation or personally, as well as referees of grant applications.

4. How we obtain your data
The majority of the information we hold about you has been provided directly to us by you.

In some cases, we may collect data from someone else. Examples include where existing supporters feel you may be interested in supporting our work and suggest your name to us, or data collected via a service provider like Enthuse (online giving platform).

We also collect data from publicly available sources. Examples include information gathered from a news article or online media, including social media like LinkedIn or Twitter. We may also use publicly available directories and similar information such as Companies House.

5. What data do we collect and why?
Grant Applicants and Referees

Our Trustees note that the Foundation has an identified Legitimate Interest, which is the lawful basis for processing data about our Grants Applicants and Referees.

We collect the information described below in order to solicit and process applications for grants from the Community Foundation. We hold data of both organisations and individuals who are employed/working on behalf of those organisations.

We hold this data:

  • For the purpose of our provision of (potential) grant funding to the individual concerned, or to the organisation which the individual represents

  • Grant-making being our core charitable activity.

We collect the following classes of information from individuals applying for grants (usually on behalf of an organisation):

  • Name(s) and address, email, phone number and other relevant contact details and communication preferences

  • Purpose and details about an application for a grant

  • Any other information needed for the assessment of a grant which may include financial, family, education and employment information

  • Details about any grant which was made

  • Information about our relationship with you, correspondence, meeting notes, attendance at events etc.

Length of retention of your data (individual)

We will keep grant applicant data for 7 years from the last activity of the grant period (eg, once the grant is reported on and complete). After this time, unless we have had further correspondence from you indicating a desire to re-apply for funding, contact information and individual personal data will be deleted.

Sensitive Personal Information

Data Protection Law recognises that some categories of personal information are more sensitive. Sensitive Personal Information can include information about a person’s health, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

For the purpose of grants made to individuals, we may sometimes receive sensitive personal information about the recipient.

We will only use this information:

  • For the purposes of assessing and processing the grant with our staff and panel members

  • We will not pass on your details to anyone else without your express permission

Sensitive personal information will be treated with extra care and security, and will be deleted as soon as the processing of the grant has been completed.

We collect the following classes of information from organisations applying for grants:

  • Name of the organisation and key contact details

  • Name and data of the person making the grant application and their contact information

  • Details about the aims of the organisation

  • Financial information, such as accounts submitted to the charity commission

  • Purpose and details about the grant application

  • Details of any subsequent grant made

Length of retention of your data (organisation)

We will keep basic information about the organisation applying for the grant, such as organisation name, amount awarded and purpose of the grant, on a permanent basis. If there is no further contact or activity involving the organisation after 7 years of the grant being completed, unless we have had further correspondence from you indicating a desire to re-apply for funding, contact information and individual personal data will be deleted.


We receive basic information about referees in order to process grants to individuals and organisations. The purpose of collecting this information is to contact referees to request a reference for the relevant person or group. The information we collect is:

  • Name, address, email address and phone number of referee

  • Organisation if applicable

  • Relationship to applicant

Length of retention of your data (referees)

Relationships between the Foundation and our grant referees are usually ongoing, particularly in the case of grants to individuals, where referees will often continue to refer new individual beneficiaries to us on an ongoing basis. We will therefore hold this data for as long as the relationship exists, or until it is no longer needed.


Our Trustees note that the Foundation has an identified Legitimate Interest, which is the lawful basis for processing data about our Donors.


The core purposes of our data processing are to:

  • build financial support for the Community Foundation

  • send communications to you about the Community Foundation

  • administer donations

  • promote the aims and objectives of the Community Foundation

Philanthropy and the provision of philanthropic services being our core mission as a charity.

We may use data obtained other than from you to ensure that your contact details are up to date, and to ensure that appropriate due diligence is carried out to safeguard the assets and reputation of the Community Foundation.

We MAY collect the following classes of information:

  • Name(s) and address, email, phone number and other relevant contact details and communication preferences

  • Records of donations, Gift Aid status etc.

  • Information about our relationship with you, correspondence, meeting notes, attendance at events etc.

  • Information necessary for us to manage funds you have established or supported

  • Relevant family or friends’ information including information on successor advisors

  • Occupation, skills, professional activity and network(s) and connections in Surrey

Length of data retention (Donors)

Relationships between Donors and the Community Foundation are often long term, and so we expect to keep your personal data and contact for as long as that relationship exists, or until we no longer need it.

Prospective donors

Our Trustees note that the Foundation has an identified Legitimate Interest, which is the lawful basis for processing data about our Prospective Donors.

We collect the information below to identify and engage with individuals or families whom we have reason to believe may be interested in becoming donors with the Community Foundation. The core purpose of holding this data is:

  • For the purpose of developing philanthropy, specifically by building new relationships and sharing how the Foundation can facilitate local giving for maximum effect.

  • Inspiring philanthropy and the provision of philanthropic services being our core mission as a charity.

We MAY collect the following information:

  • Name, address, phone number and email address

  • Information about our relationship with you, including how we were introduced, past correspondence, meeting notes etc

  • Occupation, skills, professional activity and network(s) and connections in Surrey

Length of data retention (Prospective Donors)

Relationships between Prospective Donors and the Community Foundation are often long term, and we expect to hold your data for as long as we believe there is an active interest from you in finding out more about the Community Foundation.

Partners and Network of Foundation supporters

Our Trustees note that the Foundation has an identified Legitimate Interest, which is the lawful basis for processing data about our Partners and Network of Foundation Supporters (such as professional advisors, local Councillors and others).

We collect the information described below in order to promote and share the activities and events of the Community Foundation for Surrey with you.  Holding this data allows us to send you communications and keep in touch in order to raise awareness of our work and upcoming items of interest. The processing activity of data is necessary to meet a specific organisational objective of the Foundation; it enables people to know about the Foundation as their go-to local charity facilitating giving, and provides wide community benefit by supporting local communities and individuals in need.

  • Inspiring philanthropy and the provision of philanthropic services being our core mission as a charity.

We collect the following classes of information:

  • Name(s) and address, email, phone number and other relevant contact details and communication preferences

  • Information about our relationship with you, correspondence, meeting notes, attendance at events etc.

  • Occupation, skills, professional activity and network(s) and connections in Surrey

Length of data retention for Partners and network of Foundation supporters

Relationships between our partners/supporters and the Community Foundation are often long term, and so we expect to keep your data for as long as that relationship exists, or until we no longer need it.

6. Protecting Your Data
We ensure that all electronic data is held securely, with appropriate security mechanisms in place; paper copies are purposefully kept to a minimum, are kept in lockable storage cabinets, and when no longer required, are shredded.

In principle we do not share your data with anyone else or any other organisation unless it is necessary for the purpose for which you have given us the data. Examples are given below:

  • We will provide information to HMRC on Gift Aided donations since we have a legal obligation to provide this information.

  • We will share information on grant applicants with grant panel members and donors. These are volunteers working with the Community Foundation. We will also publish data on grant recipients for groups/organisations (amounts/names/purpose) but we anonymise details for any individual grantees.

  • We may share basic information on the attendees at an event or function or meeting with the host or other person who has a volunteer role in the Community Foundation.

  • We may pass data to other organisations, known as Data Processors, to provide specific services to us. An example would be providing data to a mailing house in order to send a newsletter. A contract is always in place with a Data Processor, and they are not allowed to do anything with your data other than that which we have requested.

7. Data outside of the EEA
Some of our suppliers run their operations outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). Although they may not be subject to the same data protection laws as companies based in the UK, we will take steps to make sure they provide an adequate level of protection in accordance with UK data protection law. By submitting your personal information to us you agree to this transfer, storing or processing at a location outside of the EEA.

8. Our responsibilities
The law requires us to tell you the basis on which we process your data.

  • Some activities (for example sending marketing emails about Community Foundation for Surrey) require your consent.

  • Other activities are carried out to fulfil a contract or agreement. Examples include holding funds which are subject to Fund Agreements or organising a ticketed event. Each requires us to know who you are and to process your information in order to do the thing you have asked us to do. If a contract is in place then we will process your data based on that contract.

  • In all other cases the law allows us to process your data if it is in our legitimate interest to do so, but only so long as we need to and your “interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms are not overriding”. Practically speaking this means we carry out an exercise to check that we will not cause you harm by processing your data, that the processing is not overly intrusive and that we will only do so in a way which is described in this privacy notice.

9. Your Rights
The law requires us to tell you that you have a variety of rights about the way we process your data. These are as follows:

  • Where our use of your data requires consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time.

  • Where we rely on our legitimate interest to process data, you may ask us to stop doing so.

  • You may request a copy of the data we hold about you.

  • You may change or stop the way in which we communicate with you or process data about you, and if it is not required for the purpose you provided it, then we will do so. Activities like processing Gift Aid donations, or managing a Fund Agreement, may mean we cannot entirely stop processing your data. We will always endeavour to comply with such a request, however.

  • If you are not satisfied with the way we have processed your data then you can complain to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

10. Contacting Us
If you have any questions about this privacy notice, about the way in which we process your data, or if you wish to change the way we use your data, including how we communicate with you, then please contact us:

Rebecca Bowden, Chief Executive, Community Foundation for Surrey, Suite 3, First Floor, Cleary Court, 169 Church Street East, Woking, GU21 6HJ

T: 01483 478092


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